Recips 1

Ingredients for 2 servings:
Takes 5 minutes
• 2 cups shredded green papaya
• 3 tbsp roasted salted peanuts
• 2 cloves of peeled garlic
• 3-6 fresh birds eye chilies (or more depending on tolerance)
• 2 tbsp dried shrimps
• 3 tbsp palm sugar
• 2 cherry tomatoes (sliced in half)
• 2 tbsp lime juice
• 2½ tbsp fish sauce
• 1/2 cup Thai snake beans (cut to 1" long)
Thai Papaya Salad
Thai Papaya Salad (Somtum) is very popular in Thailand. This original tasting dish achieves a balance between sweet, hot, sour and salty. Thai people love to eat it with sticky rice.
How to make:
1. Use a mortar and pestle to crush the chilies and garlic. Add sugar and continue crushing.
2. Add fish sauce, lime juice, tomatoes and Thai snake beans, then continue beating with the pestle.
3. Add dried shrimp and papaya, then continue beating gently. Follow with peanuts and mix until all ingredients are mixed well.
4. Serve with vegetables (e.g. cabbage, Thai snake beans).
Tips and Techniques:
• For a vegetarian Somtum, omit the dried shrimp and substitute soy sauce for fish sauce.
• Some people use tamarind in place of lime. Regular sugar can be substituted for palm sugar.
• The balance of fish sauce, lime juice, palm sugar and peppers listed here is a guidelines. Somtum is an individual dish and you may find you might like yours with more, say, lime juice than what the recipe calls for.
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